Since starting to work at SUSE, I have been working on Rancher and its components. Having a locally deployed Rancher setup helps. Initially it was a struggle till I stumbled upon this article that does a great job of explaining how to set things up.

Recently, however, I had to helm uninstall and helm install the Rancher chart a few times. Every helm install led to the container image being pulled again from the registry. Now, the image is a good 2.1 GB in size causing me to wait till things get started. So I started searching for options to cache image locally. I remember minikube has an option to cache images and assumed k3d would have a similar feature too. However, it doesn’t.

In the process of reading k3d’s CLI help messages, I found that it has a k3d registry option. Reading further I figured that it’s possible to download an image, tag+push it to the registry created using k3d registry, and finally use this registry in the future k3d cluster one brings up.

Create a registry Link to heading

Let’s first create a registry using k3d:

# starts a container using the "registry:2" image
$ k3d registry create rancher -p

$ k3d registry list
k3d-rancher   registry             running

Add an entry into /etc/hosts file so that DNS resolutions don’t break:

# make an entry for the registry in /etc/hosts
$ sudo sh -c "echo '   k3d-rancher' >> /etc/hosts"

Create a cluster that uses our registry Link to heading

Now, spin up a Kubernetes cluster using k3d and ensure that it can pull images from the registry we just created:

$ k3d cluster create k8s \
 --registry-use rancher \
 --volume kubelet.config:/etc/rancher/k3s/kubelet.config \
 --volume config.yaml:/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml

That’s it Link to heading

To use the Rancher image on our local registry, use the following helm command:

$ helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set bootstrapPassword=<some-password> \
--set hostname=<some-hostname> \
--set rancherImage=k3d-rancher:5000/rancher \
--set rancherImageTag=v2.9.2

Above command will install a chart using the image k3d-rancher:5000/rancher:v2.9.2. Make sure it’s available on your local k3d registry.