When I decided to make some use of this domain, one (and probably most important for me) thing that I had in mind was to write a series of posts/articles on tech that I work on or that interests me. I had already decided on using Hugo but was not sure how to group articles in the form of a series.

That’s when I came across Nate Finch’s website and read his post on how he managed to group articles into a series. Knowing how greatly I suck at frontend, I decided to clone his repo and modify things to suit my requirements. I didn’t want my discomfort with frontend get in the way of writing!

In coming few days, I’ll be writing a tech series, starting with Ansible. At the moment, I have not decided how many posts I’ll write or what specific topics I’ll dive into or how frequently I’ll write. The only thing I’ve decided to do is to write.

Through writing, I want to share what I know (with the hope of being helpful to someone some day) and learn from the feedback/suggestions of readers.