In this post I’m going to talk about why we are restructuing the CentOS Container Pipeline service and how OpenShift is key to it. There’s bunch of material available on the Internet so I don’t really need to write about OpenShift.

I gave a talk at about our service and got some great feedback. Most common feedback was that such a service would be immensely useful to the opensource community. But deep down, I knew that it’s not possible to scale the current implementation of service to serve a large community. It needed a rejig to be useful to the users and not a pain in bad places for its administrators! 😉

What does the service do? Link to heading

Before I talk about the issues and how we’re handling them in new implementation, I’ll quickly jot down the features of the service.

  • Pre-build the artifacts/binaries to be added to the container image
  • Lint the Dockerfile for adherence to best practices
  • Build the container image
  • Scan the image for:
    • list RPM updates
    • list updates for packages installed via other package managers:
      • npm
      • pip
      • gem
    • check integrity of RPM content (using rpm -Va)
    • point out capabilities of container created off the resulting image by examining RUN label in Dockerfile
  • Weekly scanning of the container images using above scanners
  • Automatic rebuild of container image when the git repo is modified
  • Parent-child relationship between images to automatically trigger rebuild of child image when parent image gets updated
  • Repo tracking to automatically rebuild the container image in event of an RPM getting updated in any of its configured repos

Issues with the old implemention Link to heading

Our old implementation of service has a lot of plumbing. There are workers written for most of the features mentioned above.

  • Pre-build happens on CentOS CI (ci.c.o) infrastructure. In this stage, we build the artifacts/binaries and push it to a temporary git repo. The job configuration then uses this git repo to build container images while another job on ci.c.o keeps looking for update in the upstream git repo.

  • Lint worker runs as a systemd service on one node.

  • Build worker runs as a container on another node and triggers a build within an OpenShift cluster.

  • Scan worker runs as a systemd service and uses atomic scan to scan the containers. This in turn spins up a few containers which we need to delete along with their volumes to make sure that host system disk doesn’t get filled up.

  • Weekly scanning is a Jenkins job that checks against container index, and underlying database of the service before triggering a weekly scan

  • Repo tracking works as a Django project and heavily relies on database which we have almost always failed to successfully migrate whenever the schema was changed.

All of the above is spread across four systems which are quite beefy! Yet, we couldn’t manage to do parallel container builds to serve more requests. A couple of teams evaluated our project to bring up their own pipeline because they didn’t want to use public registry. However, they found the service implementation too complex to understand, deploy, and maintain!

How are we handling (or planning) things in new implementation? Link to heading

In the new implementation of the service which is still to be moved under the official repo, we are using OpenShift exclusively for everything, for every feature that the service provides.

Although we’re far from done, we have successfully implemented and tested that these features work fine in an OpenShift cluster:

  • Pre-build
  • Lint
  • Build
  • Scan
  • Weekly scan

We’re relying heavily on the OpenShift and Jenkins integration. Every project in the container index has an OpenShift Pipeline of its own in the single OpenShift project that we use. All of the implemented features work as various stages in the OpenShift Pipeline.

For logging, we’re using the EFK (Elasticsearch - Fluentd - Kibana) integration in OpenShift. To be honest, we’re still learning how to use Kibana!

This new implementation hasn’t been deployed in a production environment yet. However, it’s relatively straightforward to deploy than the old implementation and can even be deployed on a minishift environment.

In progress items Link to heading

We are still working on things like:

  • proper CI (unit and functional tests for the code and service)
  • setting up monitoring and alerting stack using OpenShift’s integration with Prometheus
  • providing useful information to the users in the emails that are sent after every build and weekly scan
  • rewrite the entire repo tracking piece to make it as independent of database as we can

That’s it Link to heading

This blog went on to be longer than I wanted it to be! But it’s a gist of what we’ve been doing as CentOS Container Pipeline team since past few months. In coming posts, I’ll be talking about individual implementation details!

Until next time… 😄