This blog is the last part in the series of blogs on OpenShift OKD upgrade we performed for the CentOS Container Pipeline project. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, go ahead and do that first.

If you have already read the previous parts in the series, it’s easy to conclude that we screwed up. We thought we had broken out of that habit after moving to the new architecture. After all, we had a stable environment for two and half months and only issues we faced were from our buggy code. But bad habits are difficult to get rid of!

Obviously, we learned a few lessons in the process. Few too many!

Lesson 0 - Friday is for beers Link to heading

This one doesn’t need any detail. Unless it’s a major bug fix or security patch, Friday should be meant for beer, or coffee, or tea, or <put your favorite drink here>.

Lesson 1 - OpenShift knowhow needs to be improved Link to heading

We need to improve our knowledge about OpenShift works. RTFM is not only required but we need to make more time to do it. I’m not sure how many problems we could have avoided had we read more documentation but, we could have surely made informed decisions when we faced them.

Lesson 2 - Homogeneous production and testing environment Link to heading

Every bit of testing we did was on an infrastructure which we had absolute control over right from spinning up the VMs to deploying our service in the OpenShift cluster. However, the production environment is something that CentOS infrastructure team provides and there are some differences between the two because the errors we saw in production environment never showed up while performing same actions on the test environment.

We need start using a small subset of systems provided by CentOS infrastructure team for pre-production testing and validation.

Lessons 3 - Have reasonable expectations from the upstream Link to heading

The OpenShift upstream is possibly loaded with a bunch of questions and issues from users like our project. It would be too much to expect them to look into every issue beyond “best effort” basis. This takes us back to Lesson 1.

Lesson 4 - Talk to the experts Link to heading

Before making a cluster level change, it might be a good idea to write down the plan and the steps, and run it by a few experts to get an opinion or maybe even a better idea to do what we’re trying to do.

That’s it! Link to heading

That’s all I have to share about the fiasco we did during the weekend of December 14, 2018. If you have any suggestions/ideas/feedback for us, let us know. I know there’s a lot we can and we need to learn about the various tools involved in this exercise.

On a personal note, this is the most I’ve ever written in a given week. If you read it this far, I hope I managed to make you think - “This guy is a professional screw-it-up artist”.

Until next time… 😄